3 years Ago
B&B Mag
Feature: : Jatinn Jay

Being a fashion design graduate, he always had a great eye for fashion and style. While working with bog retail and e-commerce website, he planned to start a blog on his daily outfits and started posting it on Instagram as well. The response he got was phenomenal, therefore, he decided to quit his job and give blogging a full time attention and he believes that’s the best decision he took. And after that there was no looking back.

  •  How does it feel to be a Blogger? It feels great to be a part of this community especially with some great content creators in the industry these days. I feel a lot more responsible as well and thrive to create better content for my audience.
  • What did you wanted to become in your childhood? I always knew I had an eye for style since my childhood and will end up in design and fashion. And that’s what I studied and took it forward.
  • How can you describe your typical day? A typical day could be a relaxed one as well as a hectic one depending on the amount of work. That’s the beauty of working for oneself. I shoot 2-3 days in a week and rest of the days goes in editing and writing. And of course, I take my weekends off.
  • What is your working environment like? Do you blog from home, an office or cafe? I mostly work from home but just to take a breather you will find me in different cafes in Bangalore more often as well.
  • Have you always been interested in fashion? What does it mean to you? Yes, I was always interested in fashion. I have been so inspired by the fashion during the nineties and took cues to create my outfit from that time. Fashion is all about finding your own self to create your style which is truly you.
  • Who or what gave you inspiration to start your own fashion blog. What is your favorite style, a suit or casual wear? I think just looking at the whole Instagram scene in India when it started becoming a trend. Going through the images and believing that I can do this too and can contribute in a much better way with my own style. My style is a mix of smart formals yet street with an edge. But you will mostly see me sporting a suit or formals but in thestyledoodler way.
  • When was your first collaboration with a brand? What was the Brand? My first collaboration was with my favourite brand MrButton. It wasn’t a paid one but they definitely became a part of my career.
  • How did blogging influence your professional career? I did make a choice to leave my career in design and take blogging full time. I didn’t know if I would make as much money with it but I had to give my 100% to it and see how it goes.
  • Can you make a living with blogging? Do you blog full time or do you have another job next to it? You can make a living out of blogging in India now but it does come with cons. I have been working in between as well but currently I am a full time blogger.
  • What are some of your goals with your blog? I have covered fashion and lifestyle in a good way in these years. And now want to get into Travel and luxury as well.
  • Where is your favorite place in the world to live and work as blogger and why? I think Mumbai definitely serves the purpose but I would love to be in New York. The pictures you can get on the streets there makes me want to go there right away. And, the vibe of the city is just so me. You can dress up and be the czar of formals and yet the next day can strut the streets in your best street wear.
  • Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? Do you have any personal goals? I want to see myself emerging as a top blogger in travel as well. That’s one category I am working on right now.

Instagram |

blog: thestyledoodler

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